Friday, June 25, 2010

Which Egyptian God or Goddess Are You??

Yup time for a new poll, after all our great solstice activism. (And huzzah, so far the International Whaling Commission is upholding the ban on whaling. . . well done all!)

But how about a new fun poll???

Which Egyptian God or Goddess Are You??

My result:

"Hathor is often depicted as an evil woman, one that attempted to seduce men and the take advantage of them. Although she is a goddess of fertility, Hathor was a very kind goddess. She protected women from men and their evil. She loved all very much and also enjoyed dancing. What a great goddess to be associated with! You are one of those people that everyone likes, that everyone wants to be friends with. Though you may overdo it at times, you are probably loved back as much as you love others, not that a mutual feeling would matter to you. You are one of those people that love all no matter how they feel back."

And all of you who know me in RL, quit laughing!!!! I'll take Hathor despite the teasing I know will ensue!

And thanks Sisters of the Rose for sharing this!

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