Monday, July 19, 2010

Great Pagan and Bridget links

I am so blessed to have literally hundreds of Pagan links sent to me each week, and I love exploring all of them. It's about time I listed some of them here! So here are some favorites - all open for you to explore and use as you see fit! So enjoy!

Bridget Links:

Tuatha de Brighid "Tuatha De Brighid - The People of the Goddess Brighid - is a Clann of modern Druids who are honored to call Brighid our Matron and Guide. We are both a community and a spiritual tradition. Our Tradition is inspired by ancient and modern paths as we seek to transcend differences and find common ground personified in the timeless Spirit of Druidry." (quotes from their website) Great links, free Bridget classes for joining, an online shrine and a place to share writings and poetry! Can't make it to Kildare? Try here.

Bridget's Forge
Articles from all over the UK, charms, prayers, meditations, more links, links to Bridget pacifist sites, and lots and lots of great information on Welsh folk religion. Huzzah for a Welsh Bridget worshipper!

You want more on Ffraid, the Welsh name for Bridget (pronounced Fride with a long i)?
Well here ya go (dyna chi!): Brighid: Goddess and Saint Information on churches all over Wales that are connected to Ffraid. Great pictures of Wales!! (hyfryd, iawn!)

Pagan resources from all over the spectrum:

Karen Tate's online radio show for Goddess spirituality, free downloads! I am beyond blessed to be on a number of online groups with Karen, whose brilliant radio show can be downloaded free of charge at her website. There find discussions with amazing pagan elders and leaders from around the world, from Mathew Fox to Z. Budapest, Riane Eisler to Jean Shinoda Bolen. Karen is an unwavering voice for women's empowerment, saving the environment, fighting for justice, and her website is a brilliant resource.

Pagan News
A longtime site for every possible article, link, marketplace, tools, ritual ideas, parenting ideas for the pagan family. . . join in and write your own articles. (Get published! It's fun!!!) This has been a long time stand-by in the Pagan community.

In addition to Starhawk's own website, you can read her in the mainstream press, too. As part of the Washington Post's religious forum, Starhawk herself writes periodically about current politics and religion for this most mainstream paper. Need to present pagan ideas to traditional liberals??? Need cogent articles about liberation from Pagan perspectives??? Here is a great place to turn.

Pagan Play Places!

AFter posting about playgrounds for the soul, I got lots of links to places for Pagans to play online. (Thank you gentle readers!) I haven't explored them all, but here are two.

Ancient Worlds An online role playing game set in, surprise, ancient worlds. Choose Celtic, or Roman, Greek, Mesopotamia, the Orient, or the Americas, and explore Iron Age life wherever you choose. Build your home, choose a trade, write academic articles, co-write role playing scenarios, or most important, choose your fashions! A fun world.

And who knew? Second Life, that huge online role playing, partly-real world (I actually know artists earning real money for their Second Life art, which just wierts me out) has a pagan area: information on the Pagan Second Life here.

The online Pagan world is huge, and worldwide, so even the most remote solo practitioner can find community and information. And, oh lovely readers, I love getting the links, so keep sending them!

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